Palador is Moving!

Tafara Pulse | August 16th, 2017

After 10 years in the same offices, we’re moving out of Suite 730…and into Suite 1020. We’re not moving far, just up a few floors, but we are taking bets on how many times people will hit 7 in the elevator before they hit 10. More points for getting off the elevator at 7 before realizing you’re on the wrong floor.

This has been our entryway for years.

We’re looking forward to a newly designed space where we can welcome our clients and make design and software magic happen! We’ll be saying goodbye to this space and getting into our fancy new offices on the 10th floor within the next few weeks. Look for photos of our new space soon!


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Tafara Pulse

Tafara is a Palador project manager. She is also a dog mom, competitive triathlete and executive + marketing coach.