Palador at the SODO Community Clean Up

Tafara Pulse | May 26th, 2017

Last weekend, a few of our Paladorians chipped in with local clean-up efforts at a small park in SODO put on by the SODO Business Improvement Area team. We spent a sunny, Saturday morning trimming back overgrown shrubs and picking up many pounds of trash.

SODO volunteer group

The group of volunteers ready to head out.

Palador volunteers

The Palador volunteers in front of one of SODO’s many murals.

Now we get to work!

Trash pick up

Our sign chilling on the bench. Cyndi picking up trash in the background.

Cleaning up yard waste

Dan and his son, Nathan, on yard waste duty.

SODO park clean up

Lee and Cyndi hard at work.

Park art

Cyndi standing in the center of the previously covered art installation.

Palador volunteers

Our final group shot next to the fruits of our labor – many bags of trash & yard waste.



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Tafara Pulse

Tafara is a Palador project manager. She is also a dog mom, competitive triathlete and executive + marketing coach.