Game Night Recap

Tafara Pulse | February 20th, 2017

Last Thursday we had another Palador Game Night. We played a round of Telestrations which is basically Telephone and Pictionary combined. Results included sailing ships turning into matches and flying saucers turning into Seahawks players.

Last night was Palador game night! Here's Dan kicking it off with some Telestrations.

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We then split up to play a game of Pandemic and a game Harry Potter Clue.

David contemplates his Harry Potter Clue roll.

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Getting the rules right!

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What spell has been cast, Monica?

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Just busy saving the world from a Pandemic!

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It turns out Harry Potter Clue is fairly complicated!

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Getting close to finding the killer!

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Who done it!

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Pandemic is always a favorite, but the group playing Harry Potter Clue decided it was a bit overly complicated! Also some of the icons look a bit too similar.  We decided this would not have been approved by our Quality Assurance team.

Until next game night…

Group shot!

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Tafara Pulse

Tafara is a Palador project manager. She is also a dog mom, competitive triathlete and executive + marketing coach.